Our Work

Click a heading to find out more about our internationalisation projects.

UK delegations to BIO-Europe Spring 2010-present

UK Delegations to BIO-Europe 2009-present

UK Delegations to BioPartnering North America 2011-12
UK Delegations to BIOSPAIN 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018

Committee Memberships

BioPartner Annual Dinner and Discussion Forum 2009-12

The Business Exchange for the Life Sciences 2005-10

Online Booking and Event support

Management of complex projects

BioPartner is an accredited trade organisation (Trade Challenge Partner) subject to terms and conditions. Any claims to discounts, offers and invitations are subject to availability. Find out more about what we do by touring this website, or contact us - details below:

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Alliance Partners

Scottish Development International


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